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  1. I am a bit sad as I enjoy this blog and also enjoy beauty box reviews. However, I have just signed up for my first one (Carmine, half price!) and so maybe I don’t need bb reviews anymore.
    I do love your five things I love posts though, so maybe they will be my alternative beauty blog fix!

  2. I am a bit sad as I enjoy this blog and also enjoy beauty box reviews. However, I have just signed up for my first one (Carmine, half price!) and so maybe I don’t need bb reviews anymore.
    I do love your five things I love posts though, so maybe they will be my alternative beauty blog fix!

    1. Thanks so much for your comment Izzie, so sorry you’re sad 🙁 I think it’s safe to say that there are a lot of reviews of beauty boxes around though and I don’t think there’s a lot I can say that won’t be said elsewhere! Glad you like my five things posts as I love writing them, even if it is quite hard to pick just five sometimes! xx

  3. Aww I’m sad too as I think your beauty box reviews have been really interesting. It’s been great to hear about a variety of brands and products and I thnk part of the appeal of these reviews has been that they are such a mixed bag! Sorry there’ll be no more beauty box posts but thanks for all the reviews so far xx

    1. Sorry Lucy 🙁 I think it’s really about the fact there are soooo many other people writing about them and I don’t want to keep writing about what everyone is, although that’s sometimes impossible to avoid. Saying that though, had to really fight the urge to not write about the Jolie box for February which was fantastic! xx

  4. I like your beauty boxes reviews. I find it so honest with reliable thoughts of yours. Though, I am not so particular of beauty products but I really appreciate what you write in here.

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