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  1. That’s a really nice cut. It looks lovely on you! I’ve used the same hairdresser for 10 years, I daren’t let anyone else cut my hair! Plus, how cute is that dog?! X

    1. Thanks lovely 🙂 shame I look knackered in the pics! Jack was absolutely adorable; if I could’ve got away with stealing him I would have 😀 xx

    1. YES! Ha ha 😀 I mentioned on Facebook that I was really confused by that comment but you’re spot on, they were indeed Lotus Biscuits 🙂

      Thanks so much; I’m really happy with it and it’s sooo easy to style now, to the point where if I just fall asleep with it wet I can wake up, blast it around with the hairdryer for 30 seconds and it’s great again! xx

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