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  1. Wow that sounds great! The only other company I have heard of that do this is Zoya but its US only 🙁

    1. Actually a few companies do it, but they don’t tend to go to OTT with publicising it – I’m assuming so they don’t get overwhelmed! – so it’s a great opportunity to try something you might not otherwise be able to. I think Lancome, Origins and Ojon did something similar last year and this year. Whenever I hear about them I’ll definitely blog about it! xx

  2. Oh, my bourjois mascara has just run out. Perfect timing. As mine is no longer sold, I was looking for a replacement anyway.

    1. Fantastic timing! It’s great that they have two options this time around as it means you have a better chance of getting one you want rather than one they’re promoting too xx

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