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  1. Sounds like a great halfway house solution before a wedding or special occasion if you don’t want or need the full-on Digital Perm – yet still want to look ultra-glam and swop straight hair for curls (or inject some volume into your hair?) End result looks gorgeous Sascha! Keep hearing very good things about Eleven Hair, nice post x

    1. Thanks so much Fiona! I was really pleased to get the chance to visit Eleven Hair as, like you, I kept hearing positive things about the salon. This is the perfect treatment for before a special occasion as it really does make a huge difference to your hair and they haven’t taken the mickey with their pricing xx

  2. Wow curls really suit you! £60 sounds very reasonable – i’ll have to investigate getting mine straightened!

    1. Thanks so much hun! I really love my hair curly; it’s definitely a really well priced treatment and it really lasts as I wash my hair regularly but I can still feel the effects xx

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