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  1. I think the colour and the fringe look fantastic and your heir looks very healthy and glossy. I’m going through a bit of a fringe-craving myself and this makes me think I should just get on with it!

    1. Thanks so much Ali! The colour and treatments have really boosted the condition of my hair, so I’m really happy with that too xx

  2. It looks great, if anything a well cut fringe draws attention to the eyes. I’ve always wanted a full fringe but my hair is so fine and thin now it’s not going to happen! Very envious of your super straight hair!

    Jen x

    1. That’s such a good point! I think the fringes I had before just didn’t work with my eyes as they kind of hid them, whereas this one brings them out xx

    1. I’m soooo happy I’ve got a cut I love; not just that, but one that’s easy to style too! Made a huge difference for me xx

  3. Hi Sascha,
    I’ve just discovered your blog and am soo pleased that I have! Thank you for such informative, insightful reviews, I think your hair looks amazing. I’m especially interested in your experiences at The Chapel and Daniel Galvin salons as I’m doing some research for my sister who’ll be celebrating a special BIG birthday this year. She has been unhappy with her colour/cut for a long time and as part of her birthday gift, I’d like to take her for a hair ‘makeover’ that will complement her features, reflect her personality and make her feel good. I was going to go with Daniel Galvin but spotted your review of The Chapel which sounds so much more personalised. I’d really appreciate your view on which of these you would go to if you were looking to have a significant colour/cut change.

    Thanks, Val

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