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    1. I’ve got some of that Stevia stuff; it tastes a bit odd but I’m going to try and persevere. Definitely loving the sound of the almond milk though, thanks! xx

  1. I recently wrote a post about dairy being linked to my acne too. Well, it was more of a rant that anything about my GP.

    I definitely noticed an improvement in my skin since I cut dairy out. It’s not complete fail proof though. Obviously there are a lot of other factors that affect hormones. Stress also being a big factor.

    I’ve been under a lot of stress over the last 12 months or so (which I won’t bore you with the details) but basically my skin has been topsy turvy the whole time. The last week I’ve seen massive improvements though. I’m still off the dairy (100% off only seems to work for me) but I’ve also been making a conscious effect to stress less. Listening to self hypnosis tracks and forcing myself to step back from any situations for a few minutes that would normally stress me out. Obviously the Face The World massage yesterday helped out a lot too!
    Anyway since I’ve been stressing about my skin less (and life in general), it does appear to be helping.

    I have also simplified my skincare regime (again) and using a salicylic acid wash and moisturiser, which seems to be helping clear up some blocked pores which would have lead to more acne flare ups.

    Although as mentioned my skin is really topsy turvy, so I’m not kidding myself that the acne won’t be back at some point. I’m not out the woods just yet!
    Hope you get sorted soon hun xx

    1. So sorry to hear you’ve been under a lot of stress; really hope it’s eased up a bit now 🙁 Have you tried Transcendental Meditation? I get really bad stress acne and it did amazing things for it; the problem I have now is finding time for it as I’m seriously pushed; you need 20 minutes twice a day and I really struggled with that. If you think you can make the time then seriously look into it as it’s amazing for stress.

      Really glad to hear things have started clearing up and I’ll check out your post about dairy xx

  2. I had really bad hormonal acne, and I’m dairy intolerant so my diet is completely dairy free. I have had acne for longer than I care to remember, I’m now 37, recently I came across an article on retinal (vitamin a) used for anti age and the girl suggested by accident it helped her acne. I started using la Roche posey redermic r and it’s been working fantastically give it a go

    1. I have horrendously dry skin and Retinol can add to that, so I have to tread carefully. I’d love to go dairy free but I don’t think I can handle a life without milk and cheese, so well done to you as I would really struggle!

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