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  1. I’ve just logged onto your site for the first time and I thought I’d comment as I’ve been on a strict diet for my skin now for a few months and used Jan Marini for a few years. I’m also 28 and bored of dealing with adult acne. All I can say is that the diet has worked wonders. I’m still eating dairy, albeit not lots but cutting out all refined sugars and processed food has worked WONDERS. That combined with the Jan Marini has made my skin much smoother and really glowing. It’s hard work but gets easier and really pays off. Good luck 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for your feedback, that’s great to hear! It sounds like you’re doing really similar things to me (I can’t go without dairy, I don’t know why I even considered it as it was never going to happen!) so hopefully they’ll work as well for me as they have for you xx

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