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  1. It was ridiculous! Telling people to get off the website. That was when I decided I wasn’t going to bother. I was going to wait till late tonight and then order. They’ve now lost a customer.

    Also, did you notice that they lied about the promo to start with? 15.00 minimum spend … no MUA, you need to spend 30.00 before you get a discount don’t you? That was the second thing to rile me lol.

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper

    1. It was just all over the place, the whole thing! I noticed they also said 50% off EVERYTHING and then it turns out it doesn’t contain the vanity case which, from what I understand, quite a few people were hoping for xx

  2. Totally missed this, but surely they can predict this will happen? The same happened with Model’s Own and Asos not too long ago. Good deals are good because everyone wants them, so don’t bark orders at your customers when they also agree they are good. Double face palm indeed.

    1. The thing is, I think it’s always going to be a bit difficult to manage as technology can be quite unpredictable and I think most people will have a level of patience if the whole situation is handled nicely and politely, but to cock up and then deal with it by barking at everyone on social media without any real apology is really poor and makes the business look very amateur…in my opinion 🙂 xx

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