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  1. I really wanted to try this when it came out but noticed it had bismuth oxychloride in it (as does the Laura Mericer minerla foundation) so it put me off. It has given you a lovely finish though, but my search continues to find a good foundation that’ll cover spot scaring.

    1. Yeah that is a good point; I’ve stopped avoiding bismuth and it hasn’t made any difference to my skin, but if you want a good mineral powder that’s free from bismuth, have you tried Everyday Minerals? All their stuff is free from bismuth and the shade range is great too. Most importantly, it’s what I used for years to cover spots and scars! I’m fairly certain I’ve reviewed it at some point so if you search for Everyday Minerals on the blog then there should be a review xx

  2. Let me just start with – Wow, the coverage is fantastic for a powder foundation!

    I normally use liquid foundation for a number of reasons that would be too long to list down. But I just might head over to Liz Earle and try something new for a change. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hi lovely – wow, that looks like some amazing stuff right there! Your skin looks flawless! Matte is hard in terms of building dimensions in the face as like you say, it is extremely flat – but what girl doesn’t like a bit of blush and highlight? Not me anyway, ha ha ha!

    Lots of love xx

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