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  1. i have found a lovely serum & moisturiser but yet to find a cleanser of any sort i like. would love to try this out now have read this ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I would really love a a Visapure because I am trying to do everything to help my acne before I leave for university – when my skin is bad I find it so hard to talk to anyone as I feel like they can only see my skin. I really want to have the confidence to get to know people!

  3. My skin never feels really clean. I suffer from large open pores around my nose and the occasional spot and would love to try this out!

  4. I am just now (at 31) starting to discover a beauty regime/ i think I’ve found an exfoliator i like, and possibly a moisturiser, but nothing like this. i would love to try it.

  5. Hi

    Was interested to read this blog about the Phillips Visapure and i must say i am pleasantly surprised to hear it nearly lives up to the hype of the clarisonic. I myself own a clarisonic but have been severely let down by it as it has broken on me TWICE! The first time i managed to get a replacement sent to me by Clarisonic but when it broke on me again i was gutted. The clarisonic played such a huge role in my daily routine and i was hooked on it. I felt lost without it and my skin just wasnt the same. Now ive lost all confidence in the clarisonic because im now left with a broken one and cannot get it replaced again ๐Ÿ™ it just stopped working on me and ive been trawling the internet for a similar device. I would LOVE to win your competition as i need to fill the void that the clarisonic left me in ๐Ÿ™‚ i was fortunate enough to have the clarisonic gifted to me by my parents last christmas as these devices arent cheap. From your review i think i will love the visa pure!!! x

  6. I DESPERATELY need it because my skin rubs off all over (it’s so weird!) if I don’t exfoliate it and give it a proper scrub so this would be amazing to have!

  7. I really think I need one of these because at the ripe old age of 41, I feel great and I would look great if it wasn’t for my constant spots! They make me feel like a bliddy teenager! and I hate it!

  8. I need a Visapure because I like you, I was harsh in my skincare routine which has led to a lot of blotches, scarring and enlarged pores. Hopefully the Visapure will cleanse my way to good skin ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  9. The Visapure is something I am really wanting to try, I’ve recently heard a lot of good things about it and would love to try it on my poor skin, it gets a lot of flack and I’m prone to spots.

  10. I have really rubbish dry skin and don’t have a skin ‘routine’ per se. I’d love to give this a go and see how it leaves my skin feeling!

  11. I’m 20 a second year university student and spots STILL terrorize me, and having this would be great to eliminate them and find some more confidence in myself.

  12. I would love to win this because i would like to present it to my
    fiance for every thing she is doing for me, two years ago i
    lost my job due to redundancy and in a midlife crisis i decided to try
    change my career and do an open university course, in all that time she has supported every thing i am doing, i would like to give her a little some thing to say thank you for every thing and i love her.

  13. because my skin has been a bit neglected these past few years and also because my daughter is beautiful but has inherited my oily skin and is prone to spots so I want her to thoroughly cleanse her skin

  14. I am 61 and have always been keen to look after my skin and so far it has worked to a certain extent. With a Visapure added I believe I could be in win a better chance of keeping the wrinkles away without the need of very expensive products. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. my skin has really been getting me down lately. im 37 years old and im really starting to notice how much my skin is showing its age. ive also been a bit spotty and got some brown age spots. i would be so happy to win this, hopefully it will give my skin and my confidence a much needed boost.

  16. I have just come back from Ibiza and my skin is dried out and in need of revitalisation by the Philips Visapure

  17. I’ve been trying to get one of these on eBay for cheap for so long now but have yet to succeed! My skin is very dry so dead skin cells build up quite quickly and a mechanical cleansing method like this is exactly what my skin needs to scrub away the horrible dry bits and reveal soft smooth skin! I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to win a competition so much!!

  18. My 8 year old daughter told me I didn’t have very nice skin, and she is right, although her honesty was a little crushing! I would like to try the Visapure and hopefully it would improve the appearance of my skin and also my daughter’s opinion of it.

  19. I’d love to win this as, like you, I’ve always favoured products I can “feel working” and I really need to get into the habit of being more gentle with my skin – this sounds perfect!
    Amazing giveaway, thank you!!

  20. I would so love to win this! This would probably be the closest this to a spa experience. Plus i know my face would benefit from the visapure greatly!

  21. I’m getting older and I have wrinkles AND spots!! Who has wrinkles AND spots for crying out loud??? I NEEEEEEEED IT…..sob, sniffle!

  22. Wow I didn’t even know these sort of things existed. My skin is dull and prone to breakouts, this sounds right up my street.

  23. I’d love a Visapure as my skin is really suffering in the warm weather and could do with a deep treatment.

  24. My skin is skill quite acne prone, I still have blemishes and I would love to have a clearer complexion, or enough so I feel happier without make-up on!

  25. I am pregnant and my skin has become sensitive and spotty! Its in desperate need of some tlc and id LOVE to be able to pamper it with visapure as i cant justify spending that amount of money on a product when shortly i’ll be needing to spend it on nappies!

  26. I suffer from combination skin which means ugly blackheads and blemishes. I’m currently saving for a face cleansing brush in hope I will have flawless radiant skin for my wedding next September!

  27. Hi
    Fab Prize
    I would Love this as i am a Huge beauty Junkie however lately i am unable to spend time on my beauty regime due to illness this would be perfect as i can cleanse in such fast time and my skin will not suffer. It is very hard at the moment to do my full cleansing regime so winning this would be Perfect for me & my skin. This is such a great gadget would be perfect for everyone

  28. Because I am 30 and get more spots now than I did at 15! I love trying new products and anything that could clear my blemishes and improve my skin would be fantastic!

  29. I get loads of blackheads and would love help with deep cleaning.
    I love that you can use it in the shower so it makes the morning routine really easy.

  30. I been wanting something like this for ages. My skin gets so bad and sometimes I scrub too hard or use to much product. This would be perfect to use.

  31. I don’t keep very well and find it hard to find the energy to give my skin the proper tlc it deserves. This looks like it could make my life much easier.

  32. My skin is a disaster from getting up at 4.30am every day for work. Help! Fantastic giveaway, thanks for the opportunity. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  33. I really would like something to try to revive my skin – too many late nights trying to catch up on things & too many days running round after 8 kids, is leaving my beauty routine really needing a bit of a boost & my skin needs reviving!

  34. I’m 22 and I’m quite insecure about my skin as it’s not really gotten any better since I was teen (and as we all know girls in school can be cruel). Now I have a daughter I’m trying to get savvy with feminine things so she doesn’t make the same mistakes as I did. I joined reddit skincareaddiction but it’s quite daunting and I seem to be missing the basic knowledge. I’ve grasped the fact that I need to exfoliate, but as I use a mitt I’m unsure of the amount of pressure I should be using. This would do some of the thinking for me and seems a nice little gadget. It’s definitely going on my wish list. So thank you for the review. It’s very helpful.

  35. I’m an acne sufferer too and have been since my teens (late 20s now) and I’ve tried everything from peroxide to changing my diet, so I’d love to give the Visapure a whirl too!

  36. Although I’m in my 30’s my skin is a mass of combinations. My cheeks are sensitive and ruddy, my nose is full of black heads and massive pores, and my chin is greasy and spot prone. It’s also starting to look very tired and dull! I’d love something that is ideal for all my face to tackle all my problems in one go!

  37. My skin is getting a little older now and am finding my current microdermabrasion system a little harsh, so would love to try this out

  38. 5 children have taken their toll and im 40 next year! eek! Please help clean my skin thoroughly and take me from scummy mummy to yummy mummy!

    Thanks for the chance to win xx

  39. I have medical conditions that cause a great deal of problems with my face skin, and I’ve struggled to find a cleanser that works, to haave this would really help and have my skin look more like that of someone my age rather than that of a teenager.

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  41. I am 35 and my skin has gone awful over the last 4 years, which has destroyed my confidence. I am desperate to try this without having to spend the money x

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