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  2. Pingback: Biologique Recherche Masque Vivant - Beauty Geek UK | Beauty Geek UK
  3. Hi Dear,

    Very nice article about a really great brand! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Just wanted to notice to your readers that our Spa is the only one that works with Biologique Recherche in Belgium so if some belgian girls (or boys! those treatments are great also on men) stand around here, feel free to contact us at for further informations about treatments & products (as P50 lotion, Masque Vivant etc.)

    We’re based in Brussels.

    Kind regards,


  4. Dear all,

    Please i wanted to ask if there s any suppliers in vitrolles france.
    Awaiting ur prompt reply
    Thank u and kind regards,

  5. I used to the use the P50 but then it became more difficult to get hold when I moved away from London and somehow I just forgot about it. I never forayed into their other products because it just seems a bit impossible to self prescribe a routine. Am definitely going to track down some more P50 and possibly the Lait VIP O2 too, do you find that you can remove the cleansing milk well enough with just wet cotton pads? Thanks for the great review! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I love P50 so much! I’m currently on a new routine that’s very gentle and free from any exfoliants so I’ve had to stop using it for a short time and I really miss it!

      The Lait doesn’t even need wet pads, I just used them dry and it worked a treat xx

    2. Better to rince completely with cold water (less aggressive for the skin than cotton pad) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Thanks for the replys and tips! So excited to remember about the P50 thanks to your review, Im sure my skin will be thanking me soon!

  7. Hi! Just came across your blog. I’ve been trying to determine whether Biologique Recherche is safe for pregnant ladies. It seems like you were pregnant while using this? Did you discuss this with the B.R team before they prescribed you your regimen? I spoke with consultants about the line but am interested to hear your take.

    1. I absolutely did and it was completely fine. There’s an element to the facial they couldn’t do due to my pregnancy, but all the products I was prescribed were fine to use. Are you pregnant yourself? If so then congratulations; I loved being pregnant! xx

      1. Yes I am pregnant! Exciting but also frustrating due to all the limitations we have to observe for skincare. Good to know that BR is pregnancy-safe. I read somewhere the phenol-free toner has salicylic acid which is confusing since I’ve been told by 2 separate BR consultants that it’s safe for pregnancy. I’ve also emailed the BR team directly, hoping to get a response. Thank you for the response!

        1. I think you can use salicylic in small doses – such as in toners etc – just not in high concentrations like in peels etc. Obviously it’s better to err on the side of caution so if you’re unhappy using it whilst pregnant then I wouldn’t put yourself through the worry. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Do you know what you’re having? How far along are you?

        1. I *think* I used all three of those when I was pregnant – it’s worth getting in touch with them ( – just mention I recommended you got in touch directly) just to clarify but I’m sure it’s fine.

  8. Hi! What is the best product for treating hyper-pigmentation in your opinion? My skin is finally clearing up – I’ve struggled with acne for a long time – but I have bright red spots that just won’t go away. I’ve been using a product that contains hydroquinone, which is supposedly very effective, but I’ve yet to see noticeable results. I’d love to know what you think – your blog is great. Thanks!!

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment and I’m really glad you like my blog! I would say it very much depends on your budget as if you can afford to spend a bit, I’d recommend using an at-home laser device like the ReAura from Philips. However, if you’d prefer to keep it at skincare then your best bet is to include more acids into your routine, such as an acid toner or one of the acid pad kits you can buy pre-soaked. Or if you’re feeling brave, even an at-home peel kit to speed up the exfoliation.

      I can’t say for sure, but I believe Hydroquinone is a bit of a controversial ingredient due to risks and side-effects; I also believe it’s banned in certain countries so I’d recommend treading carefully!

      Really glad to hear your skin is clearing up and hopefully you’ll be able to start shifting the remaining marks soon! If you buy just one thing, make it a good exfoliating toner such as the P50 in this post, or if you don’t want to spend so much then Pixi do a great product called Glow Tonic that is quite similar xx

  9. loved your review on the BR product line! I want to try them–Do you happen to know the prices for the full size applications that you used?

    1. So sorry for the delay – how do you mean full sized applications? As in the individual products?

  10. Sascha. When applying the p50 how much should I be using. Should my cotton pad be completely soaked or are just a few drops all that is necessary? Thanks.

    1. Hi Gemma,

      I tend to just use the same amount as I would with any other toner, so around 3-4 drops – just enough to make about a quarter of the pad wet – then I gently pat it all around the face…or at least, that’s what you’re supposed to do as it’s a very strong product! If I’m in a hurry I might rub it around my face in the same way I would any other toner (rather than pat) but if you overdo it, you’ll definitely feel it – even after several years of use, I still feel the burn if I overdo it, so I would really advise treading carefully and starting slowly xx

  11. I started using BR products about three months ago and was blessed with the opportunity to have a facial at the BR Institute in Paris! About a month or a bit after using BR products, I totally stopped using make up in my face!!! Only sunscreen (not tinted) and a bit of blusher. Not even face powder. I find BR products to be THAT fantastic that they leave my skin clear and translucent and most of all, give me the confidence not to wear make up! I totally love BR!!!

    1. They are my favourite skincare brand of all time – I absolutely love them and I’m so pleased to hear that their products are doing such good things for your skin! xx

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  13. Hi Sascha,

    I know this post is a bit old but being pregnant and using biologique recherche myself I did not get any consistent answer from anyone regarding the amount of salicylic acid in the products.

    If I may, which was the element in the facial that you could not do back then?

    Thank you so much,

    1. Hi Lola,

      It was basically the gadget they use in standard facials that wasn’t suited to use in pregnancy; I think, if I understand correctly, that the majority of salicylic acid skincare products don’t penetrate deep enough to cause an issue during pregnancy, but I’m not 100% sure of the details; it’s either on the Caroline Hirons site or Paula’s Choice, both of which are worth checking out for more info.

      Hope that helps and I hope the pregnancy is going well! xx

  14. Thanks a lot! My doc does not believe in all these cosmetics warnings and he is very experienced, but after reading the internet (bad idea I know) I got confused!
    Best wishes to you ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. No probs – it’s a scary time for all things cosmetic as you go online and half the people say avoid, and the others say go for it! I think Retinol is the one to avoid but I think Salicylic Acid is pretty gentle in the grand scale of things xx

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