A few months ago, I was lucky enough to visit Paris on a press trip with a few other bloggers, one of whom was the infamous skincare guru, Mrs Hirons. At lunch we were seated next to each other, so I did what anyone granted a few minutes alone with Caroline would do and asked her about skincare; specially, how to care for my extremely tricky skin, which at the time was severely dehydrated as well as spotty. The first thing she asked was whether I was taking Omega supplements, the second was what sort of quality they were.
If you’ve read any of my posts on supplements then you’ll know that I can’t swallow pills, so to take Omega supplements I had to saw into them with a knife and squeeze out the oil housed within. It was faffy, costly and inconsistent as I would often struggle to get all of the oil out. Eventually I got fed up with trying and it’s been a few months since I’ve taken them. Enter Viridian 100% Organic Clear Skin Omega Oil which is a great way of getting your Omegas if you’re rubbish at taking pills, or you’re vegetarian as these are vegan and all the oils come from seeds, with the dominant seed being Flax Seed. You take a couple of teaspoons as a dose, but to give you an idea, one teaspoon contains 50% RDA Omega 3, 18% RDA of Omega 6 and 18% RDA of Omega 9. The oil itself is has an oily consistency (shocking!) and a woody taste; it’s not exactly yummy but it’s perfectly palatable and I will be purchasing more once I get through my bottle. It’s £16.05 here – link.
*PR Sample