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  1. I found that exfoliation was key with sorting out my skin, I actually did it in a much more harsh way (scrubs daily) until I discovered peels/acid toners. This sounds fantastic (what a great price!) and I am glad it is working for you.

    1. Thanks lovely! I’m pretty careful with exfoliatorss as my skin is actually quite dry so I don’t want to upset it with anything scrubby, so acids are my new best friend 🙂 Your skin is fab anyway! xx

  2. I live in France and I’m planning to order this kit from Amazon but with 20% concentration. It costs around 20 euros though (Around 14 pounds).
    Do you know of any local French brands that I can buy at the pharmacy without a prescription instead of this one? Thank you!
    P.S. I have had professional salicylic peels before and they worked fine for me.

    1. Hi Melange,

      Thanks for your comment. To be honest, I really don’t know enough about French pharmacies to know what they stock, but we have some really great AHA and BHA products available in UK pharmacies, yet I still don’t think you can beat these peel kits for value and effectiveness. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help! xx

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