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  2. I tried the product directly onto my skin overnight but it has left my skin feeling very dry and taught this morning even after moisturizing – is this because i didn’t put a cream beneath it?

    1. Hiya, I definitely, definitely wouldn’t leave this on overnight! It’s a treatment mask so I’d say it should be on the skin for a very limited time – I only tend to have it on for around 10-15 minutes, and even that might be pushing it! It’s a strong and powerful mask so any longer than that I think could really cause problems, so tread carefully.

  3. hi there
    you can leave this mask on over night, you can apply your moisturiser first and then a thin film of the mask on the skin overnight and wash it off in the morning. You should be using a few times a week to begin with and you can then build it gradually to more times.
    hope this helps
    A x

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