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  1. hi, I have also had acne and found to start with that the reaura helped keep them at bay BUT 9 weeks in, my spots have started to go nuts. I think that the reaura is actually over stimulating my skin and may be causing more spots. How’s your skin doing with reaura by now and how far along are you..

  2. @Anon that’s really interesting! The thing is, the ReAura is a treatment that’s speeding up the regeneration process, so what you’re experiencing could be purging, although of course it could be various other things. Where I went wrong is by stopping treatment completely (I got lazy as my skin was close to perfect) as before that point my skin hadn’t been breaking out at all during the treatment. Saying that though, I wasn’t that far into the treatment. I’ll definitely be starting treatment again this week; I’m just going to go around the spots 🙂 thanks for your comment xx

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