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  1. Everything looks so lovely, my favourites are the red nail varnishes:) I think it’s very generous of you to give so many things away!

  2. WOW – what a lovely bundle of beauty items! If I was one of the lucky winners (I am not) I think I would be happy to receive any of those items.
    I am looking for something to help protect my lips – they get so chapped this time of year and I hate just using vaseline. I sometimes put a little vaseline and then a nice lip gloss on so maybe if I had a choice I would choose a lip gloss.

  3. Ohhhhh! What a selection! 🙂
    I would be happy to receive any of these things!
    Such a generous thing to do!
    Mega excited!

  4. It all looks amazing, I will be happy with anything not skin care related, having break out currently, so looking forward to your Philips ReAura updates, as still undecided about spending that much money, without seeing clear results, on real person. And thanks again they are all great little extra xmas presents x

  5. Oh my goodness thats soo generous. I hope I’m on your list. All of these things are wonderful so I couln’t possibly pick! Happy New Year 🙂

  6. Thanks everyone! I’ve ordered the packaging stuff which should arrive in the next couple of days. I’ll update you on progress xx

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