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  1. wow would love to win these goodies! following you on gfc as Hayley and my first ever make up item was a baby pink lipgloss from Bourjois. I think i wanted to look like a doll!


    thankyou! x

  2. Following via GFC as Bex Smith πŸ™‚
    My first makeup item was a little Avon eyeshadow that my Nan and Mum decided to give me when neither of them wanted it aha. Started off my love affair with shadows, I now have far too many!


  3. My first item was a lip gloss that smelled like cherry!
    My email can be found on my profile if needed πŸ™‚
    Thanks for this!

  4. It wasn’t proper makeup, but when I was very young I got a Cindy toy dressing table which included a bright pink lipstick…much to my parents amusement when I smeared it all around my mouth like a clown!

  5. My first make-up was the coloured sunblock sticks that you can paint your face blue with. I had style.

  6. I think my first was eyelash curlers and some mascara – but clear rather than black… Not sure why I bothered really!!
    I’m following you on Twitter: beauty__bird
    Or my email is

    Thanks πŸ™‚

  7. My brother bought me three big boxes of makeup for christmas when I was about 9. They had literally hundreds of eyeshadows in, a few lipsticks and a few blushers. I absolutely loved it and was soon asking my mum to let me have some bits and pieces from the Avon brochure!

    I am following via GFC and my username is Louise x

  8. The Peep show mascara bottle is so lovely. And I’ve heard about BB creams for a while but haven’t actually tried one. Have you used any others?

    1. Hi Rachel, I’ve used loads! There’s the Boots No7 one which is really great for coverage and Ginvera which is ideal for giving a lovely, natural glow. If you search “BB” on my blog then a few posts should come up xx

  9. I just discovered your blog and look forward to reading your posts. My first makeup item that I actually bought was Maybelline mascara. ….but in all honesty, it was “borrowing” anything I could find in my mother’s make up drawer!

  10. My first make-up item was a dark grey avon eyeliner and berry lipstick pencil given to me by my mum when I was about 15. Thats whem my interest in make-up began…

    following you on twitter – Beautydiary_

  11. My first make up item was a set i got for xmas. One of the ones that has the little slide out bits with the lipgloss and eyeshadows i had loads of fun with it although am sure the colours didnt look that great at the time lol i was 13.

    @adelleg3 twitter
    adelle gow fb πŸ™‚

  12. My 1st make up item was a Rimmel foundation that was about 3 shades to dark it was a total disaster i looked like a ompalumpa im glad to say i have learnt from my mistakes lol

  13. My 1st beauty item was a Rimmel Foundation that was about 3 shades too dark it was a total disaster i looked like a ompalumpa, im glad to say i have learned from my beauty mistakes lol

  14. Love reading these replies! I honestly can’t remember what my first make up item was but I do remember my sister had a drawer full of 17 stuff that i used to love messing about with! the lipsticks used to come in a a naff cream coloured plastic tube and she had loads of 80’s frosted colours!

    Follow on FB xx

  15. Hmmmmmm…..I think my first make-up items were a mascara and eyeliner of some sort along with my first lippie being Heather Shimmer. They would have been on my dresser along with my Exclamation and Charlie Red perfume. Oh dear.

    I’m currently using the BB cream and Peep Show and I think they’re great. I got a sample of the No 7 BB cream, but it went patchy on my eyelids so opted for this one instead, and I fine it does the job perfectly well. I need to get Peep Show again, as I didn’t realise I got it in brown so it’s day use only for it at the mo.

    1. Mollance, those products bring some memories back, Heather Shimmer, Exclamation and Charlie. Did you use So? like me too? Everyone was obsessed by Impulse at school too. Ax

    2. Yes! I had So as well. My friends used Tribe, but it was a bit much for me. Sure there was plenty of Impulse floating about as well, and the Coffee Shimmer lippie. I almost bought Heather Shimmer a little while ago for nostalgia, but then thought better of it.

  16. Hi hun,
    Great blog, just found you on the Latest in Beauty Facebook page talking about that Ginvera Green Tea Nude sample so I clicked on your link and might have to give that sample a go.
    I’m following GFC Thrifty Girl Loves
    I’m following on Twitter agallo39
    First makeup item, gosh it’s hard to remember, I have to say it must have been a cheap cover up concealer because I had terrible skin and then would layer tons of foundation on top! I don’t do that quite much these days and thankfully my skin changed as I grew older but now I have grey hairs instead great!
    Would love to give those 17 items a go πŸ™‚
    Thanks xxx

  17. My first make-up items were a few bits I was bought by a family friend for my birthday in a pretty little purple make-up bag. Can’t remember the brands but the item I loved the most was a little lilac eyeshadow. I’d forgotten all about the Mary Quant make-up, I used to love that, especially the powder compacts. I carried one everywhere in my teens and even had a Mary Quant long sleeved t-shirt with the flower design printed in silver on it! πŸ™‚

  18. This makeup prize would certainly boost my make up collection, have had a sort out recently and most of mine needed throwing out ! the first ever make up item i bought was a black kohl eye pencil that i wore everyday without fail. I have changed to brown as i`ve got older as black is a tad harsh )

  19. Following on Twitter as butterfly494_

    My first beauty item was also a gift from my mother! She got me a black mascara from Estee Lauder just for me to start experimenting with. I wore it every day of high school!

  20. i cant remember when i first brought makeup, my teenage years was ages ago πŸ™ but i remember having clear mascara for school, as it wasnt it didnt really look like you wearing it, so then didnt get told off. @emmajlowe

  21. Hi!

    My first ever make-up item was Revlon’s Coffee Bean lipstick. What was I thinking?!!?

    I’m following via GFC and Twitter (@KookyKaty) xx

  22. when me and my friends were in boots we saw the new lipstick stain and have to say am really impressed fab idea we had to buy some since all were on 3 for 2 as well πŸ™‚

  23. Hmmm… I think the first makeup I bought myself was a Natural Collection lipgloss in Raspberry Ripple… The only lipgloss I’ve ever bought ever! Clearly I wasn’t impressed

  24. Hiya i remember buying Iron lady lipstick from miss selfridge! i loved it! and then all my friends decided to have the same so we all had same pink lips lol.

    GFC:Tara Duncan

    Fab giveaway πŸ™‚ xoxo

  25. My mums hand me downs!! The first item I remember buying was a Mary Quant eye shadow set from the local market!! I practiced for hours trying to get it right!! Our market was great for items like this not sure if they were seconds or last seasons stock etc, but thats where I got my items and loved them all!! Love the blog!
    Twitter is theyoungone77

  26. I begged for make-up from about the age of 4, think Strawberry Shortcake lip gloss was the first thing I got and then quite a few Avon shimmer eye shadows, I was hooked forever!

  27. My first makeup item was a foundation powder compact from Avon. I loved it as I hated my shiny nose lol.

    Following via GFC, and subscribed via email –
    Already following via twitter @theonlybonster
    and FB theonlybonster

  28. Hi
    My first makeup was a lipstick by max factor, felt really grown up wearing this and feeling like a adult lol
    follow you via google friends username is yasminec9
    follow you on twitter username is yasminec9
    thank you

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