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  1. Good luck with the new diet. I actually prefe Alpro to regular milk. Especially the original soya and almond milks. Haven’t found a decent cheese alternative though so I just go without.
    Hope you find some alternatives you like x

    1. I’ll definitely look into Alpro; I had a Twitter conversation about the Almond version as apparently it’s really good. Really not sure about giving up cheese…I love it so! xx

  2. I’ve been trying to do a similar thing to this to help get rid of my acne, I definitely think it has helped. Drinking more water and having fish definitely worked. Cutting out diary was/is so hard but I have almond milk instead and I prefer it! πŸ™‚

    1. I’m hitting the Omegas HARD at the mo as I’m hoping they’ll aid repair. My breakfast is truly rank (it’s all nuts and what not and I’m not really a nut person) but it doesn’t half fill me up! Glad to hear it’s working for you so hopefully it’ll do the same for me xx

  3. I have been making changes to my diet to help improve my acne over the past year and I while it’s a lot of trial and error, I am starting to get somewhere. I had already reduced dairy considerably but it wasn’t until I started incorporating more fresh, green vegetables and cutting down on sugar that I really saw an improvement. I agree with Pampered Prince that I prefer Alpro milk to dairy – the almond one is lovely and the hazelnut one is good to mix with cocoa powder for a hot chocolate! Sweetener wise I really like raw honey.
    I wish you all the best in your journey:)

    1. Oh my that almond and chocolate combination sounds lovely! Definitely going to try that πŸ™‚

      I can’t get on board with honey, there’s a taste in it that I really don’t like, but I’ve found some sort of Agave syrup thing that I’m hoping will do the trick. Thanks for your tips! xx

  4. Try goats milk/cheese. It’s easier to digest, and not sure of the impact on skin but it’s worth a try! Soy yogurts are tasty and alpro make a light soy cream which is fab in sauces etc. I’m lactose intolerant so cut out all dairy for a while and then tried goat products with no ill effects. It’s trial and error. Agave nectar is a good sugar replacement and also honey. Good luck!

    1. Unfortunately the same hormone that causes the problems in cow dairy is also present in goats πŸ™ I really need to get on board with soy; I remember trying it a while ago and thinking it was hideous, but these are needier times! Thanks for your suggestions; funnily enough I just bought some Agave syrup xx

  5. Try goats milk/cheese. It’s easier to digest, and not sure of the impact on skin but it’s worth a try! Soy yogurts are tasty and alpro make a light soy cream which is fab in sauces etc. I’m lactose intolerant so cut out all dairy for a while and then tried goat products with no ill effects. It’s trial and error. Agave nectar is a good sugar replacement and also honey. Good luck!

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