Following on from my post about hormonal acne here, I’ve decided to make some changes and concentrate on improving my skin in a three-pronged attack. Β The three elements will be: using Jan Marini products almost exclusively as my skin seems to love them, getting N-Lite at The Private Clinic as my skin responded well to it before, it works in harmony with Jan Marini and so it should work as a good final attack on any stubborn spots and lastly, improve my diet to make it more skin friendly. Β I’ll also be introducing peels back into my regime to start battle with my post-acne scarring and give my skin a good workout, especially as I no longer manually exfoliate.
So! The skin diet. Β Whilst I’m not going to be unrealistic and try and completely change all my eating habits as that’s almost a guaranteed fail before I’ve even started, I am going to make a few changes that’ll hopefully help and these will be:
- Find out more about a low GI diet and try and follow it. Β As I said, I’m not going to go overboard but I am going to try and avoid foods that cause insulin spikes, or at least eat them in moderation. Β These include refined carbs (like white flour, white bread etc which I’ll replace with brown/wholegrain), sugar (on the hunt for a good sweetener as there’s no way I can give up on “sweet” completely), dairy (this’ll be a tricky one – I’m going to see what I can do but I don’t think I’ll be able to give up milk, butter and cheese…I’m currently researching alternatives but it isn’t looking good) and I’m going to have to give up fizzy drinks which I’m a big fan of, so I’m thinking of seeking out an alternative like a sugar free squash mixed with fizzy water.
- Eat more nuts and fish. Β I definitely need more ‘good’ oils in my diet such as the Omegas, so I’m hoping to find a way to introduce more nuts into my diet.
- Eat more foods with sustenance. Β By this I mean, foods that give me slow release energy so again my insulin levels don’t spike. Β
Good luck with the new diet. I actually prefe Alpro to regular milk. Especially the original soya and almond milks. Haven’t found a decent cheese alternative though so I just go without.
Hope you find some alternatives you like x
I’ll definitely look into Alpro; I had a Twitter conversation about the Almond version as apparently it’s really good. Really not sure about giving up cheese…I love it so! xx
I’ve been trying to do a similar thing to this to help get rid of my acne, I definitely think it has helped. Drinking more water and having fish definitely worked. Cutting out diary was/is so hard but I have almond milk instead and I prefer it! π
I’m hitting the Omegas HARD at the mo as I’m hoping they’ll aid repair. My breakfast is truly rank (it’s all nuts and what not and I’m not really a nut person) but it doesn’t half fill me up! Glad to hear it’s working for you so hopefully it’ll do the same for me xx
I have been making changes to my diet to help improve my acne over the past year and I while it’s a lot of trial and error, I am starting to get somewhere. I had already reduced dairy considerably but it wasn’t until I started incorporating more fresh, green vegetables and cutting down on sugar that I really saw an improvement. I agree with Pampered Prince that I prefer Alpro milk to dairy – the almond one is lovely and the hazelnut one is good to mix with cocoa powder for a hot chocolate! Sweetener wise I really like raw honey.
I wish you all the best in your journey:)
Oh my that almond and chocolate combination sounds lovely! Definitely going to try that π
I can’t get on board with honey, there’s a taste in it that I really don’t like, but I’ve found some sort of Agave syrup thing that I’m hoping will do the trick. Thanks for your tips! xx
Try goats milk/cheese. It’s easier to digest, and not sure of the impact on skin but it’s worth a try! Soy yogurts are tasty and alpro make a light soy cream which is fab in sauces etc. I’m lactose intolerant so cut out all dairy for a while and then tried goat products with no ill effects. It’s trial and error. Agave nectar is a good sugar replacement and also honey. Good luck!
Unfortunately the same hormone that causes the problems in cow dairy is also present in goats π I really need to get on board with soy; I remember trying it a while ago and thinking it was hideous, but these are needier times! Thanks for your suggestions; funnily enough I just bought some Agave syrup xx
Try goats milk/cheese. It’s easier to digest, and not sure of the impact on skin but it’s worth a try! Soy yogurts are tasty and alpro make a light soy cream which is fab in sauces etc. I’m lactose intolerant so cut out all dairy for a while and then tried goat products with no ill effects. It’s trial and error. Agave nectar is a good sugar replacement and also honey. Good luck!
I’ll also be introducing peels back into my regime to start battle with my post-acne scarring and give my skin a good workout, especially as I no longer manually exfoliate.
The diets really works a lot for removing acne problems.