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  1. Lovely giveaway! I wish you many more views for the new year. As for me except from the basic wish for health (for me and the whole word) I wish I could become I little more patient with other people ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. To have a ‘new look’ – any excuses for pampering and shopping. After all sometimes it’s all about me!

  3. To have a ‘new look’ – any excuse for some pampering and shopping eh? After all sometimes it’s all about me.

  4. My New Year’s res is to keep in touch with freinds more often! I have this annoying habit of going off the radar for a month then re-appearing for a month and so on…. hibernation is so uncool! lol
    I hope you are well, great to catch up last month and I’m hoping next year I can make a few more visits ๐Ÿ™‚ xxx take care and have a great xmas xxx

  5. Great giveaway!

    To get back to the gym!! I have put loads of weight on this year and need to lose it from Jan!

    Grace xxx

  6. I don’t tend to make New Year’s Resolutions, if I need to make changes to the way I’m living life I prefer to do it as an ongoing thing.

  7. I don’t really have a new years resolution this year, probably just to spend less money on beauty products! haha

  8. To stop purchasing lipsticks and lip glosses – I’m running out of storage space! Thanks for the giveaway, have a fab festive season x

  9. My New Year’s Resolution in 2011 was to lose weight; I did lose nearly 3 stone, unfortunately I’ve put maybe a stone back on so this NY Resolution is to lose that, and a little bit more and to keep it off.

  10. My NY Resolution in 2011 was to lose weight and I was successful in losing nearly 3 stone. Unfortunately a little bit has creeped back on so this year’s NY Resolution is to lose that, a little bit more and keep it off this time.

  11. To set budgets and stick to them and to learn to say no every once in a while to my husband and kids!

  12. I haven’t made any yet :O :O I think my main one will be to spend less at Christmas, save more & get twice as much in the sales!! x

  13. apart from losing weight (I make that resolution EVERY year) I’m going to pay more attention to my nails and try to strengthen them so that they don’t snap off next Winter. They normally start to break around November time and don’t grow again until March!

  14. To eat healthily and exercise more….and no more faddy diets!

    Congrats on 400k, and how lovely of you to queue for such a brilliant prize for your giveaway…I’d have been very tempted just to keep it lol ๐Ÿ˜‰ xxx

  15. To visit either NYC, Patagonia, Ecuador or Norway next year! ๐Ÿ˜‰ <3

    The Style Rawr!

  16. My New Year’s resolutions are to lose several inches of fat, become more healthy and more organised and change career!

  17. It’s rather specific but it is to stretch my left hamstring more to regain the flexibility in that leg!

  18. So many go on a diet, quit smoking and drinking and to try and save money for a big holiday.

  19. My New Year’s resolution is to stop worrying and stressing about things i cannot change and to make the most of what i have and what happens throughout the year.

  20. My New Year’s resolution is to stop worrying and stressing about things that i cannot change and to make the most of what i have and whatever happens during the year.

  21. I’ve got 40 lbs off in the last 4 months by going wheat free, so my resolution is to get another 16 lbs off to make it 4 stone & if i’m feeling crazy I might even try for 5. Lol… wish me luck x

  22. I’ve got 40 lbs off in the last 4 months, so my resolutions is to lose another 16 lbs to make it 4 stone, and if I’m feeling brave I might even go for 5, yikes… wish me luck x

  23. Happy New Year! One of mine is to decrease my chocolate intake. So far so good! xoxo

  24. Congrats on the views. One of my resolutions is to complete another year blogging ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lola x

  25. Congratulations on the views. One of my resolutions is to complete another year blogging ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lola x

  26. I haven’t made a definitive list of resolutions but I do want to get more exercise in 2013, well any would be more than I got in 2012!! Particularly swimming as I think it will help my spinal problems. x

  27. To start living my life the way I want to live my life, not living it because someone else wants me to live it their way ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  28. To start living my life the way I want to live it, not living it the way someone else wants me to live it ๐Ÿ™‚ xx Happy New Year xx

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