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    1. No problem lovely; it is a shame as I think without a couple of minor tweaks it could be pretty amazing 🙁 xx

  1. This looks interesting and its affordable, I think if you dont have sensitive skin and you are gentle when using this you might be okay. I have from Olay that I love.
    On the other hand using one these on your body is a good tip too, I have never used my Olay one on my body before!
    I think this is a good alternative to the pricey Clarisonic

    Great post! xx

    1. Thanks hun, although it’s worth noting that I don’t have sensitive skin at all! I believe it’s mainly the fact that it moves around too much – both speed-wise and the way it oscillates – as if these two elements were a little more gentle then I believe it could be really great xx

  2. I used to have a Philips (I think) facial brush I really liked, it disappeared for about 10 years I think.
    I miss it now 🙁

    1. I am facial brush obsessed at the mo; I just love the deep clean feeling and it does make a big difference to skin care, especially if you wear a lot of make-up xx

  3. I used this brush for the first time tonight and may I say the initial reviewer is being too picky. It’s easy to control! All you need to do is move the brush in circles. I used a non-foaming cleanser and although it worked, I think a foaming one would be much better. The brush is obviously effective because the dirt that was on it was surprising! It’s currently £15 but if you use it with the £5 No7 skincare voucher valid until Sunday 27th January, it’s £10!

    I’d definitely recommend this brush to those whose skin isn’t too sensitive.

    1. The initial reviewer is me…the post that you commented on is on my blog.

      I write the reviews from my personal experience and the above review is my thoughts on how the brush performs. I don’t have sensitive skin at all (quite the opposite) and I didn’t find it to be particularly easy to handle. Glad to hear you had a more positive experience with it though 🙂

  4. I brought the brush recently and i actually like it, my skin looks and feels amazing. All though it isn’t quite the same as a clarisonic i’m quite happy using the No7 brush til i can.

    1. A lot of people really like it so it’s good to know it’s working for some. I just found it too harsh! xx

  5. Hi Sascha,

    Thanks for your great review – I was tempted by the pricetag to consider buying this product as an alternative to the Clarisonic, but your review has made me reconsider.

    Sadly I simply cannot afford the Clarisonic, but have been convinced by the science and reviews that I should try a facial cleansing brush in order to make the skincare products I use go further.

    I wondered if you were planning on reviewing the treSonic brush from QVC that another person commented on earlier? I was considering saving up to purchase that product instead? Thanks again for your reviews.

    Roo xx

    1. Hi Roo,

      Thanks for your comment! I wasn’t planning to review the TreSonic but to be honest, having looked at it online through various mediums, it looks identical to the SiriusSonic (have a look and you’ll see what I mean!) which I have reviewed and didn’t think was that great as a facial brush, but it was good as a massager. In fairness, whilst I didn’t get on too well with the Boots one, most people have reported really positive results, so maybe I’m just too fussy!

      Hope this helps and give me a shout if you have any more questions xx

  6. I love the brush and use it every day my skin looks and feels great, just remember to tie up your hair when using it

  7. Hi I would have I strongly disagree with you with this review.
    I use this brush every single day and it is fantastic. My skin feels softer and looks brighter. The only
    requirement is that you use a wash off cleanser. Personally I use the no7 melting gel cleanser and your not supposed to press down hard on the skin just lightly an the brush will do the rest.
    I have also used the no7 exfoliater with the brush and again it’s brilliant. I think you should reconsider.

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