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  1. Hey lovely, Happy New Year!
    I am so happy for you – having done your MA now you can relax a bit more and do other things like you said.
    I plan on eating better and going to the gym, I used to go all the time but have fallen out of the habit now.
    A year ago (almost to the day) I quit smoking real ciggies and only smoke electric ones, some argue these are bad too but I think they are no where near as harmful as real ones and I am really pleased I have made the switch. I could never go back to them now. Try them out if you want, I can send you a link to the company get mine from, they are really good – much better than some.
    Hope to see you lots at blogger events 🙂


    1. Thanks lovely, I’m sooo pleased the MA is done as I thought it’d never end! Your NY resolutions sound very sensible so good luck with them. I can’t believe you used to be a smoker, I would never have thought you were! xxx

  2. Ooohh ooohh! I’m just finishing my MA in Music and Education! Join a vocal group – you won’t regret it. Excellent resolutions – good luck with them!

    1. Oh wow! Congrats on your MA; hard work isn’t it?? I’m definitely going to join a vocal group, I’m just narrowing down which one 🙂 xx

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