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  1. Thanks so much for the mention! FYI the spending ban is not any where as hard as I thought it would be – do try it – honestly!

    Re the ELF products, I agree there are some duds but one the whole they make reasonably good products – some are fab.

    I had some of the MUFE blushes and I have since swapped them away but when I first saw these ELF ones I immediately thought of MUFE. I have heard mixed reviews about the ELF, people say they can be too oily and hard to blend

    Cant wait for your full reviews!!

    Love xx

    1. Oh I don’t think I can; I’m thinking it’d end up with the same results as when I cut out dairy; I became obsessed with cheese and it was all I could think about! Glad to hear you’re doing well with it and not finding it a struggle 🙂

      That wouldn’t surprise me at all regarding ELF as their products are rather hit and miss (apart from the brushes which are fab) xx

  2. I need the mascara and eyeshadow shield! I always avoid doing eyeshadow as specs of colour are left all over my cheeks when I have to do it in a rush – so this is perfect! Thank you x

    1. Thanks Natasha! No problem 🙂 I’m still a bit sceptical as to whether it’ll work or not, but I’ll give it a go and report back! xx

  3. Oooooh some really fab looking products there…cue serious lemmings! Especially for that amazing looking blush! Also the brushes look really great quality & value for money. I’m already a fan of ELF, their liquid facial whip highlighters are gorg! 😀

    Aysh xox

    1. Thanks Aysh! I’m guessing the blush is going to be a bit of a star product from what I’ve read. Their brushes are amazing aren’t they? Such good quality and yet so cheap! xx

  4. I’ve always found ELF very hit and miss, by very I mean ‘very.’ Some of their eyeshadows and blushers are good, but the rest is pretty bad. As for the brushes, don’t think much of them either. I’ve had 3 brushes from their studio line and they have come apart in a couple of months. Save and buy better quality products, don’t waste your time with ELF.

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