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  1. Hello Lovely, welcome to the WordPress family! I love the layout and look of this new site, I hope it was worth the mini meltdown and panic for you honey!!

    Well done lovely xx

    1. Thank you my sweet! Definitely worth the meltdown 🙂 I’m certainly getting more and more used to it as the night goes on…I do love a bit of drama 😀 xx

  2. So happy that at last your site is working and lie! The layout and design is fantastic! WordPress takes a while to get used to, but it’s great! Xx

    1. Thanks lovely, so true! I’m getting used to it now, although I was freaking out a while ago but all is well again…for now! xx

  3. The new design looks great and I’m sure you will pick up WordPress in no time. I’m using WordPress and I’m finding it easier the more I use it 🙂

    1. Thanks so much! I’m yet to find someone who says they don’t love WordPress and I can see the appeal; it’s certainly great for pedants like me! xx

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