…and lack of posting due to annoying, ongoing internet issues. I haven’t had internet for 2.5 weeks (so NO NETFLIX, for the love of Christmas!) and I’ve had to rely on a rather temperamental dongle to let me blog and answer e-mails, which has been a right old pain! However, there’s a white light at the end of the tunnel and progress is being made, so hopefully things should get back to normal soon.
In other news, this coming Thursday I’ll be 7 months pregnant! Can you believes it? 7 months!! The third trimester is going well, although everything feels like really hard work, such as walking or moving position in bed, and at times I feel a little like a mix between a beached whale and a fly stuck on it’s back. So that’s fun. That’s part of the blogging/internet issue is that I’m redecorating in time for Little Man’s arrival and it has caused absolute chaos. I’m hoping within the next couple of weeks things will be a bit calmer and I can crack on with sitting in front of Netflix, eating carbs and thinking of baby names.
Thanks to everyone who keeps an eye on my blog, says hello on Twitter and generally keeps me motivated to write; I feel like a lucky girl almost every day and it’s usually a result of my blog, so thank you lovely people who make this happen for me! xxx