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  1. Aw what a lovely ending to the story! It’s true when they say it’s all worth it in the end isn’t it, and it’s also true when they say the awful memories fade so quickly. And a good job too else nobody would ever have more than 1 lol! So glad all turned out well for you, despite all the trauma! I’m very jealous of people that have super amazing births but the reality is it’s just not possible for everybody and means nothing once you have that beautiful baby in your arms! Congratulations again on Edward, he’s adorable x

  2. My, my, how scary. It sounds like you went through an ordeal there. Lovely to see your beautiful Edward is here safely and you have clear memories of your first meeting. He’s absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy every second xxx

  3. Wow. What an absolutely terrifying ordeal you have been through. Definitely well worth it though – he’s beautiful and you have every reason to be a proud as punch. enjoy!

  4. Well first of all, congratulations! That must have been so scary for you, I can’t even imagine!! I’m so glad everything worked out okay and you’re still here to tell the tale. I don’t think you sound like you were being over-dramatic, I definitely think I’d feel the same. x

    Lilie | mintcandylilies

  5. Wow..well you had quite a time of it! So glad he arrived safely and hope you are recuperating well – he is such a handsome little fellow; would love to know what Ava thinks of him!

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