If you’ve read my blog for any length of time you’ll know of my skincare battles and woes. ย I have spot-prone skin that’s prone to dehydration, and recently I’ve had a bit of a skincare epiphany which pretty much resulted in the realisation that my skin is suffering from it’s own constant conflict between trying to produce more oil to help with the dehydration whilst battling the spot-fighting products I’ve been throwing it at that may reduce spots temporarily, but they dehydrate my skin resulting in a typically vicious circle. ย Consequently, my new skincare approach has been to tackle the dehydration and inflammation and I’ve been tailoring my skincare accordingly. ย I had an appointment at Skin3 for a skincare assessment followed by a facial and I have to say, having heard amazing things about the Environ range I am definitely a new fan.
I’ve given up saying I’m going to ‘use this skincare brand forever’ as I’m just too much of a girl who can’t say no; there are so many amazing skincare launches thrown at me every single day that I would have to be superhuman to pass them up. ย I realise probably doesn’t help my skincare issues, but now I’m treading a lot more carefully with my routine and trying to only use products that sooth (or at least use finishing products – such as serums and moisturisers – that treat inflammation) so as not to exacerbate the issue. ย Anyway! I had my skincare analysis at Skin3 which pretty much agreed with the above sentiments; I had inflamed, dehydrated skin that needed a softer approach whilst still tackling the spots, so the main focus should be calming and soothing treatments and products. ย The facial wasn’t as I expected as I’d always perceived Environ as a no nonsense brand who performed highly functional facials that were about delivering results rather than well-being. ย My facial was extremely results driven, but also surprisingly relaxing. ย It took place in a calm, candle-lit room on a bed with a big, fluffy duvet that I snuggled under for the treatment. ย My skin was cleansed, massaged and masked and I was also given a brilliant arm and upper body massage during mask times. ย It was a really good balance of the two key elements of a good facial with just enough pampering mixed in with high-performance products, plus just enough skincare gadgetry to keep me happy!
Once my facial was complete, I was given my skincare prescription to take away which consisted of four products: the Sebuwash, the AVST Moisturing Toner, Focus Hydrating Serum and AVST Body Oil. ย This is an extremely simple routine for both AM and PM that consists of cleansing with the Sebuwash, toning with the Moisturising Toner, applying 3 drops of the serum and finishing with a few drops of the Body Oil. ย The Body Oil is a ridiculous name that’s highly off-putting for someone with oily skin as it sets off every alarm bell going, but I would say it’s my absolute favourite of the four products; it’s a rich, greasy oil that leaves skin feeling more hydrated than I ever thought possible. ย I use it liberally at night and more sparingly in the morning, and it doesn’t create any issues with make-up slipping. ย The Sebuwash is an interesting product as it’s a gel that doesn’t really foam which is good as I don’t feel like anything foamy can be good for skin. ย It’s a very effective cleanser but it does leave my skin feeling a little dry, but that’s nothing that the awesome toner doesn’t quickly fix. ย I love, love, love this toner as it’s such a brilliant skin-fixer that just removes any dry or tight feelings. ย The serum is actually the most expensive of the four products and also my least favourite! I don’t feel like it adds much to the routine, or at least not so much that a cheaper serum couldn’t do just as effectively which I’m likely to experiment with soon.
I’ve been using the products for over a month now and I really am a total fan; I love the toner and oil and I like the wash very much, but I’m thinking I’m likely to repurchase the toner and oil. ย However, if I had to pick just one then it’d definitely be the oil as it’s truly amazing. ย If you like facial oils you will love this and I believe they’re changing the name soon! My skin is definitely more balanced and a lot calmer; the red, angry inflammation is mostly gone and whilst I’m still getting spots here and there, they are so mild in comparison to the angry ones I used to get. ย I’m using this with a Sqoom treatment twice a week (check out my post here) and I’m also taking the Advanced Nutrition supplements (have a read of my post here) and these are all things that I think are working collectively to finally give me skin I’m happy with! I’m not spot-free, but my general skin looks a feels soooo much better, so I’m hoping that now I’m treating the dehydration and choosing my products accordingly, my skin will keep heading in this direction…fingers crossed!
The Environ range is well worth investigating as it’s not only effective and skin-friendly, it’s very reasonably priced too. ย The Sebuwash is ยฃ16, toner ยฃ31, serum ยฃ66 and oil is ยฃ39.95, the latter of which will last you forever. ย You can’t purchase Environ without a consultation with a Environ practitioner, but head here – link – to find out more about the product range.
*PR Appointment and Samples
Ive always been interested in this range but never tried it. I also didn’t know what the price range of these products would be, and they’re actually less expensive than I would have thought. Its good to hear you’ve found something that seems to be really working for your skin!
I was so surprised by how cheap (I realise that’s relative but in comparison to similar brands I mean) the products are so I definitely recommend having a consultation to see if they do any products that might be of interest xx