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  1. Glad you’re feeling better! I didn’t even know you could get a general anesthetic for a LLETZ procedure, I wasn’t offered one so assumed I wouldn’t be able to have one. Though stupid me drove after the procedure which isn’t advisable even if it’s just a local anesthetic, not that I was sore or anything like that just a bit light headed. So ladies, don’t be a martyr and get someone to pick you up! It’s good to hear positive experiences like this as I was petrified when I was told I’d need the procedure but it honestly isn’t that bad, if they can do it with just a local anesthetic it’s obviously not that bad as they’d knock everyone out to do it. I’ve just been back for my colposcopy appointment, my original LLETZ was 9 months ago and I was CIN free 🙂 Huge weight off my shoulders! Hope the same thing happens to you!

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