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  1. I love the original- I got it in a beauty box, another product I wouldn’t have bought myself but am really pleased with. When I eventually wade through my mascara stash (15 unopened at last count) I might give this a try.
    I do love my high end products but mascara seems to be something that drugstore brands do do well I can use those & save my extra pennies for the products that are worth an upgrade!!

    Have a fab weekend lovely xx

    1. I’m the worst for mascaras as I’m so fussy, but this one is awesome; I’d say it’s much better than the original. I think when it comes to mascaras you don’t need to spend a fortune to get a good one (I say as I consider cracking open a Chanel one) as long as you replace them regularly and don’t let them dry out; there’s that magic two week window after opening a new mascara when you get a couple of months of amazingness 😉 xx

    1. Thanks lovely! It’s a Suqqu one – I don’t have the name to hand but it’s part of their SS15 line-up which I’ll be posting about this week xx

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