Theย Glossybox April 2015 Iconic Hollywood Edition is an absolute treat with five goodies that I think will make most subscribers very happy! We have great, well-known brands, a few full-sized products and a lovely box too – there are several different colour boxes but all of them have the iconic image of Marilyn Monroe on the front. ย I personally love old Hollywood glamour and I love Monroe and Audrey Hepburn too!
The April 2015 Glossybox contains two make-up items, one nail polish, one skincare items and one bath item, so it’s a truly great mix. ย I also love the fact that the makeup items go together to help you achieve a classic Hollywood look. ย Here’s a look at the contents in order of my favourites:
I had to go with the make-up as I love a classic lined eye with a strong lip, and you get products to help you achieve both this month. ย The Pop Beauty Kajal Eyeliner Pen comes in the shade Sooty Black with the pencil at one end and a smudger at the other. ย It’s a very creamy kohl so I think this’ll make a perfect product for tight-lining and water-lining which is what I’ll be using it for. ย The second make-up item is the Lord & Berry Lipstick Pencil in Kiss which is a true Hollywood Red. ย It’s a gorgeous shade and I can’t wait to try this out. ย Both these products are full-sized.
The Barely There shade of the Color Club nail polish is a gorgeous nude shade – I do find a lot of nude polishes can look a bit yellow, but this one seems right on the money for a beige nail and I’m definitely inspired to see how this shade works against my complexion. ย The Darphin Exquisage Beauty Revealing Cream is a rather dinky sample sized 5ml which is a shame as I don’t think you’ll get more than 3-4 uses out of it, so good for getting an idea for texture and feel, but not ideal if you have skin that can develop problems with skincare over time.
Last up is the Nougat London Soothing Bath Pearls which is last on my list purely because I don’t have a bath, only a shower (always feel the need to reiterate that…) so I won’t get any use out of these until I move. ย They smell and look gorgeous though, so if I can organise myself effectively I’ll try and put these aside for a try-out when I do move, which will hopefully be mid next month. ย Theย Glossybox April 2015 box is pretty good, don’t you think? For more info on Glossybox, head here – link.
*PR Sample
I had the same box other than Nougat handcream instead of the bath stuff.
Very happy with this months box.
Managed to pre order May’s Cohorted box. Very excited xx
Oh my word I am SO excited for you! All their boxes are sold out until August!! Five of the May boxes will contain an Anastasia Beverley Hills Contour Kit so I have everything crossed for you xx
I read they will release more boxes at the start of each month. So excited about this one.. I ignored that voice at the back of my head suggesting I already have way more cosmetics than I will ever use!!
Quite a storm on GB Facebook page re this months. I was happy with mine but others less so. Xx
That voice is wrong – ignore it! Like Fairies and Santa Clause, there is no such thing as ‘too many cosmetics”…
I’ve just had a quick look at the GB FB page and you’re absolutely right! I wonder why people disliked it so much?! I thought it was fab! I do think sometimes the psychology plays a role as whilst they were great products, they didn’t take up a lot of space within the box, so if you’re opening it up to expect a box overflowing with product then you’ll likely be disappointed, but apart from that I’d struggle to find a flaw in this month’s contents xx
I think sometimes people need to remember that to a large extent GB is a gamble – that you will like the products each month. Yes we do express a preference but each box is not individually put together based on our profiles.
I do think you have a point though- those products did look lost in the box of that size.
Though equally to be fair I would be pretty annoyed if I got astral in my box too. Doesn’t exactly say “glamour” xx