Last week on Twitter, the lovely Naomiย mentioned that she’d got her hands on some paler shades of the Clinique Beyond Perfecting Foundation & Concealer. ย If you remember my original review here, I was pretty gutted that the original shade line-up didn’t include any shades for us pale girls, especially as it was such a comprehensive shade line – I felt totally cheated! The foundation itself is absolutely amazing, so I was truly gutted to have to ignore its existence and hope that eventually some extension shades would be added…
Thankfully we are now at that point, as Clinique are adding two new shades to lighter shades to the Clinique Beyone Perfecting Foundation & Concealer line! I have received so many Tweets, e-mails and a few comments regarding the lack of pale shades, so I’m really happy that this is being addressed. ย In the initial line-up, the palest shade was the unnervingly dark Alabaster 02, but shortly we’ll be seeing the launch of 01 and 0.5! I believe one of these shades is on its way to me now, so I will share my thoughts as soon as poss. ย Check out the foundation and original shade line-up here – link – and fingers crossed the new shades are added ASAP! I believe they’ve started to appear in counters dotted all over the place, so if you find yourself near a Clinique counter it’s well worth asking to see if they have any of the lighter shades in stock yet.
I had ruled out this product from my kit completely because of the lack of colour range, so this is great news.
Isn’t it fabulous? I’m SO excited!! xx