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  1. Am stone broke this month so no beauty purchases for me even though it’s Black Fri weekend. Just commented on your post above that I’m moving and see that you are too. Lived in my previous flat for 18 years but had to move to a smaller place and am having to leave a lot of my stuff behind – in storage or thrown out. Missing my beauty stash already, but at least can keep most of it in storage. Hope your move goes better than mine did! So stressful especially with a small one! Hint: make sure that Teddy has his bed, fave toy/muslin/dummy and put him down for a nap when he starts playing up because he’s tired/overwhelmed from all that’s going on! We had to move using our car because we couldn’t afford to hire a van and didn’t manage to get the toddler bed for 3 hours (long story!) and my daughter went into full ‘wild’ mode! It was a very long 3 hours in which I had a meltdown! Xx

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