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  1. I have spent the last hour reading all of your posts on the ReAura. Wow. I have a few questions for you. First, do you think the issues you had with your skin breakouts had anything to do w/using the ReAura?

    Second, does this product treat brown spots on the face at all?

    Third, if this product designed to be used for a specified amount of time (i.e. 8 weeks) what is the regiment or maintenance advised after that.? I suppose what i’m wondering is if this is a product you have to use “forever”, i.e. every week or so, or else your skin is going to go back to the way it was.

    4. I live in the US and it doesn’t seem to be available on the philips website. Do you know anything about this? (btw, I went through the entire Philips website and they really don’t give detailed information about the ReAura, which I thought was odd)

    5. I would like to send you a picture of the area under my eyes I am looking to treat and ask your opinion on whether it could be treated or not w/the ReAura (if I can get one through ebay or something). If you’re ok with that could you let me know how to contact you directly so I can send this pic? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Denise, firstly I’m so sorry for the time it’s taken me to reply. Always feel free to e-mail me at with follow-up questions as I try to reply to mail as quickly as possible.

      1. I know that the breakouts I was having was nothing to do with the ReAura, it was more to do with the fact that, for the blog, I try a lot of different things all the time and this really aggravates my skin and add to that my hormonal breakout tendencies and it all proved a bit of a nightmare! I used the ReAura all over my face but I was only getting breakouts in the same place I always do (my chin) when I’m not keeping my skin happy. When a treatment angers my skin generally I breakout all over rather than just in the one place. If anything, the ReAura helped my skin as once I got going with the treatments I didn’t get any spots; it was only when I got a bit casual with it that it went wrong and I’m yet to hit a point where my skin is clear enough to continue treating again.

      2. I don’t know what you mean by brown spots; as in age spots or hyperpigmentation? As the ReAura does help with these issues, although of course it will vary from skin to skin just how much of an impact it’ll have. Really, it’s a laser that forces skin renewal so it’s inevitably going to have a positive effect on all skin issues.

      3. It’s designed to be used twice a week for 8 weeks initially, then it’s more flexible how you use it. I think the idea is that you can do top up treatments as and when you think your skin needs them, or you could maybe do a couple of 8 weeks treatments every year etc. I believe the idea is that it’s as easy to work with as possible as long as you start with the initial 16 treatments.

      4. I honestly don’t know about when Philips are planning to bring it to the USA. Have you considered e-mailing them to find out?

      5. You’re welcome to send me a picture and I’ll happily give you my opinion but obviously I’m just a blogger and not trained in skincare, so I can happily give you my thoughts but they won’t be an expert’s opinion. I do think you’d be wise to get in touch with Philips and ask them if they think it would work? But as I said, please feel free to get in touch via and I’ll do all I can to help xx

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