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  1. This sounds great, I always use a mattifying moisturiser under foundation as I have oily skin, I might look for this next x

    1. This is fantastic for oily skin as it moisturises really well, yet leaves a matte finish so definitely one to look into xx

  2. Hello! Just wondered – do you know what percentage salicylic acid it has? And do you know of any moisturiser with salicylic acid AND an SPF? Any pointers much appreciated. 🙂

    1. Hi Mrs Bossa! I’m not too sure what percentage of Salicylic Acid is included but it’s fairly high in the ingredients list so I would assume it’s probably a fairly decent amount; it’s difficult to tell! I did try out an Avene moisturiser yesterday that also has Salicylic Acid in it so that’s another one worth having a look at. I’m not sure of any that have both SA and SPF in them, but I’ll keep an eye out and report back xx

  3. Hello! Just wondered – do you know what percentage of salicylic acid this contains? And have you ever heard of a moisturiser with this AND a decent SPF? Trying to cut down on the many layers I apply each morning… 🙂

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