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  1. I was over the moon when your email came in last week to say that Sephora were now shipping to the UK.
    I spent a long while looking at the brands they have that we can’t get here and chose Living Proof 5 in 1 styling treatment. Impossible to get here and so raved about. And, the Sephora price was a steal.
    So, I hiked 3 of them into my basket and then was offered to choose 3 free samples which I had a good read of and then decided on the three.
    I even joined up with their Rewards programme and took the time to fill out my details.
    I was all ready to make the purchase after at least half an hour on the site and had gone to get my card to pay.
    I clicked Checkout and was told “one or more of your items cannot be shipped to your location”.
    It was the Living Proof Styling Treatment. I was gutted.
    So mad with Sephora, so mad.

    1. Nooooo way! That’s rubbish!! Apparently there are a few things that you can’t import but it’s all very unclear and quite unhelpful. Hopefully they’ll update with a more comprehensive guide soon xx

        1. Ha ha 😀 That sounds about right! I get the impression it’s all a bit disorganised at the moment, so hopefully they’ll get themselves sorted soon xx

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