Today’s gift is a bit different to the usual beauty booty, but still a strong feature in my list of gifts that I’d want to receive as I don’t leave the house without mine – I give you, the Fitbit Charge HR, a fitness tracking device that you’ll find yourself quickly becoming obsessed with once you strap it on and check the app. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who hasn’t loved their Fitbit, so this is the sort of gift that would suit pretty much anyone as it’s just so handy.
You can use the Fitbit Charge HR for a variety of things, with the main ones being establishing how you sleep and how much you exercise. You can track all the exercise elements on the Fitbit itself (which sits on your wrist like a watch and uses a pulsed light to monitor your heart rate) but for more detailed information and a look at how you sleep, you’d need to visit the app which you download for free to your phone; the app regularly syncs to your Fitbit so that you can check out up to date info on what’s happening with your fitness. The Fitbit Charge HR logs your sleep schedule – including info when you fall asleep, wake-up and any restless periods whilst you’re asleep; how many steps you take a day, how many miles you’ve walk, what your heart rate is, how many floors you’ve walked up and down, how many minutes of exercise you’ve done (this is broken down even further to establish what kind of exercise proved most effective) and how many calories you’ve burnt. There are also options to add in how much food and liquid you’ve consumed, with a really handy function that then calculates how many calories you have for the full day depending on what sort of weight loss goal you’ve set yourself, if weight loss is your aim. If you’re just keeping this tracker to get an idea of how you sleep and a rough idea of your fitness levels then you don’t need to do anything other than wear the watch and keep it charged (roughly every 4-5 days) making it a great buy for most people, especially those who fancy getting on a fitness buzz in the New Year. Find out more about the Fitbit Charge HR here – link – prices start at £80.
*PR Sample
I have it was well just in another color … orange.
I love it …. but i can’t connect it any more to the app to get the internet statistics 🙁