When I was a kid, I used to obsessed with my Nan’sย SodaStream; I just thought it was the most fantastic gadget! I’ve always been a lover of fizzy drinks, so a machine that allowed you to create fizzy drinks in your own home was magic to me. ย My Nan always said that when she passed she’d make sure I got the SodaStream, but it NEVER CAME. ย Consequently I no longer speak to that side of the family.
Just kidding.
For the month of June, SodaStream are running promotion with their SodaStream Source, a gadget I am incredibly excited about as I think it’s such a great idea. ย To put it simply, it’s a device that allows you to carbonate water – you can choose the level of carbonation from three different settings and you use regular tap water with it, so no buying special water and lugging it around with you, it’s all done with this one device. ย I get through a lot of fizzy drinks – an unhealthy amount of Coke or Coke Zero – and I do believe a lot of it is due to the convenience, so I’m hoping this will change things for me. ย Plus, this is also a great way to help you drink more water as fizzy water just tastes better, doesn’t it?
During June, SodaStream have a SparklingSkin set which comes with a few Dermalogica samples alongside the SodaStream Source. ย Nothing to get overly excited about as they’re all rather dinky sized (3ml of Skin Hydrating Booster, 4ml of MultiActive Toner and Intensive Eye Repair and a sachet of the Skin Hydrating Masque) but enough to get your skin back on the right track, with the view that you can hydrate your skin from both inside and out. ย The kit launches next month for ยฃ89.99 and is an exclusive to the SodaStream site here – link.
I must say that I used to have a bit of an addiction to coca cola, and I find I crave something fizzy when eating particular foods. Sparkling water and lemon wedges was how I weaned myself off, and whenever I’m out and about and am desperate to order a coke I always go for the ol’ sparkling water or soda water. A life saver!
I’m still struggling with my fizzy drink addiction! I’m really hoping this machine will help me xx
I would never buy anything from SodaStream as the factory is built on land illegally snatched from Palestinians. Many stores are boycotting this brand. I am quite surprised that dermalogica have collaborated with this unethical company.