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  1. This was super helpful, thank you! I’ve been struggling to find an honest review of this since it was announced (eg. I’ve not seen anyone else mention the flimsy nature of the product), but I actually feel like I can make an informed decision now! It looks great, though it’s a shame that the cartridges are only good for 30 uses – it feels like those of us with acne are always being bled dry 🙁

    1. Hi Han, that’s such a great comment and I’m so glad it’s been a helpful review for you – thank you very much!

      I feel exactly the same way, it seems really rubbish that a product that works so well would force you into a type of subscription to keep it working. Having read other reviews, the general census is the same, so you never know, they might change it to be a bit kinder to those of us who suffer with tricky skin! xx

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