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  1. Call me stupid, but I really fail to see the difference in packaging, other than perhaps the edges are a tiny bit less rounded?? Having said that, why fix it if it ain’t broken – I guess it’s a good thing Glossybox have stuck to their theme.
    It looks like a really lovely selection of products this month, I would have been extremely happy to receive one of these in the post!

    1. Ha ha I know what you mean! As soon as I got it out I could see it was different but it’s a fairly subtle change 🙂

      Definitely a great selection this month! xx

    1. It’s a weird one isn’t it? I like it as well but I really can’t put my finger on why! Glad you got a good selection xx

  2. I was disappointed to get a cheap-looking sun-cream example (which I will never use and I seem to get one in every beauty box for some reason) instead of the shampoo, which I would have used. Otherwise, the box was alright and I liked the hand cream, perfume, and the highlighter.

    1. Oh that’s a shame; I hate getting sun-cream as all it does is remind me of the fact that I’m not going anywhere sunny any time soon…I absolutely adore the highlighter; it’s so good xx

  3. Pingback: Kryolan Illusion in Cashmere - Beauty Geek UK | Beauty Geek UK

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